Thursday, July 16, 2015

My resolution that City Council voted down - Why have the engineers involved when Council knows better

WHEREAS, the public has the right to enjoy the use of their property and have continuously expressed their concern about the design of the street improvement program which reduced street widths and eliminated parking.

WHEREAS, it is not the intent of Counsel to discriminate and deprive property owners in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the street program the opportunity to enjoy the same rights and enjoyment of having parking off the street as currently provided in other areas of the City

WHEREAS, after construction, numerous proposals for improvements of parking and elimination of rutting were proposed by City Engineers in meetings with residents

WHEREAS, there is no written record or council resolution prohibiting property owners from constructing their own improvements in a city Right of Way

WHEREAS, the City is not opposed to residents performing their own improvements providing such improvements provide percolation, do not impede storm drainage, and meet written engineering design standards

WHEREAS, a citizen shall have the right to install a gravel parking pad or other edge improvement in the Right of Way when such modification will not significantly interfere with the management of storm water beyond the 10 year rainfall standard

WHEREAS, as Council has not in the past prohibited its residents the right to modify and install additional off street residential parking in Right of Ways when such an application is submitted

WHEREAS, Council has previously not passed any laws, resolutions or policies that prevent residents from allowing them to improve street edges and adding off street parking in any residential Right of Way in the City

WHEREAS, the narrowing of streets in Phase 1 and Phase 2 has creating yield condition in residential areas and has forced vehicles to veer off the road and rut the edges of streets.

WHEREAS, as the public inherently wishes to protect their vehicles by parking out of traffic lanes and property owners have the right to determine if their parked car shall act as a traffic control device

WHEREAS, it is recognized the streets in the Phase 1 project had unforeseen design problems with street width and swale depth that were corrected in Phase 2.

WHEREAS, the people can have the opportunity to apply for Right of Way modifications to provide additional parking that follow written accepted engineering design standards.

WHEREAS, any denial for improvement shall be in writing and specifically state the lack of engineering guideline for such denial.   

WHEREAS, the public has the right to appeal any denial of any application for improvement in the Right of Way, such reconsideration shall be appealed to the Zoning Board of Appeals

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council shall allow residents the right to apply for modification of street Right of Ways in the areas known as Phase1 and Phase2 so they may improve and correct parking and rutting fronting their property.